How will you measure up?

Have a plan for life after high school? Which college or university is best for me? Making a decision on what you want to do with the rest of your life can be a very daunting task. In an effort to help with the decision - take the assessments below to see which direction your personality and work ethic will guide you!
The Self Motivation Quiz is all about finding out what makes you tick. What pulls you toward the things you are going for - those top 3 motivating types that make you get going.
Employment Personality
The Employment Personality Type Test will help you find out which one of the four main working organization types you are and how best your fit inside of your company.
Career Choice Type
Looking to see what type of career is the best choice for you, for your future, and for those you love? Hey, it might be what you already do or it might not. Give the Career Choice Type Test a shot and see what you can come up with.
Check out RichardStep: Enrich Yourself & Step Up Your Career for more assessments!